How to write an academic paper? How to properly and competently issue it? How to write all these goals, objectives, content, introduction, and conclusion correctly? We will answer these and other questions in our article. As a student, I didn’t know all the information, so I had to pay someone to write my research paper for me.
How to write an academic paper
Before you start working, you need to understand what an academic paper is. An academic paper is a small oral or written presentation of scientific facts, literature read, and so on. A correctly written Academic paper differs not only in its interesting content but also in its competent design. That is why it is so important not only to write an academic paper correctly but also how to design it. Every educational institution reserves the right to change some points. Therefore, before starting work on the Academic paper, make sure that our recommendations do not differ from the requirements of your university. Don't know how to properly prepare an academic paper in English? This is done according to all the rules listed below if you do not have separate requirements at your faculty.
Writing Requirements
It is necessary to work out the structure and study the rules for writing an academic paper. So, the standard Academic paper includes:
The title page. The title page should be written according to all the requirements. Do not forget to indicate your full name, the name of the course and university, as well as the topic of the work and the date of delivery.
Table of content. Here they indicate a list of sub-topics, sub-paragraphs, paragraphs, graphs, and other components of the academic paper, indicating the pages on which they are located. We number all pages except the title page and the contents.
Introduction. It is necessary to write the beginning of the academic paper from this part. Here you indicate what the report will be about and why this topic was chosen. Define the goals, objectives, and ways in which the problems were solved.
Chapters. Each chapter of the academic paper starts from a new page.
Conclusions. Here follow the author's conclusions about the work done.
The purpose of the title page of the academic paper is to give the reader all the necessary information. The necessary information is understood as The topic of the study and the course in which it was conducted. Course and department. Name of the author and supervisor. The name of the educational institution. Date, place, and protection of the study. If you want to do everything right, the title page should be: coherent and holistic in content; informative; competently designed. The title page consists of 4 blocks of text: upper, lower, central, and right. You can see a sample of how to make a cover page correctly in the methodological office of the university.
How to write goals and methodology parts
The purpose of the Academic paper directly depends on the topic. If you correctly compose the topic, then there will be no problems with setting goals and methodology. It is important to distinguish between these concepts to know how to write the goal and objectives in the academic paper correctly. The goal is what you want to achieve as a result of the research. The methodology involves those concrete steps-sub-goals, with the help of which it is possible to achieve a common goal. The goal should be general, clear, concise, and achievable. The methodology is a set of sub-goals, which in no case should repeat the goal. In addition, the methodology should be specific. A detailed action plan will help you set goals, as well as correctly disclose them in the report.
Competently draw up a plan of the academic paper
Any scientific work requires a clear plan. It structures the information, displays the specifics of the topic, and designates its key provisions. And the teacher does not doze off, but carefully studies the outline of your paper and draws conclusions about how correctly it is compiled. How to write a plan for the academic paper to correctly build the concept of its compilation? The plan should be structured and consistent to immediately have an idea of what will be discussed in the paper. In the process of drawing up the plan, the main issues in the work are highlighted. There are usually several such questions, which are reflected in the plan by points. With their help, you can reveal the essence of the problem posed in the topic of the academic paper.
How to make a table of content
It is a list of sections indicating the pages on which they are located. It makes it easier to find the right section. It all starts with the design. Since the content is the second page of the work, the teachers pay close attention to it. Even the main part cannot boast of such honors.
The university standards prescribe the rules for the design of any scientific work. The task of the content is quick access to the necessary material.
The structure of the academic paper: introduction; chapters and paragraphs of the main part; conclusion; references; appendices. The standard font of the content is Times New Roman. The size is 12pt. The font can be changed only if the entire work is printed in the same font. The interval is one and a half. Margins and margins are observed throughout the work.
What is the function of the introduction? This section opens the Academic paper and interests the audience in the chosen topic, introduces it to the purpose, objectives, relevance, object, and subject of the Academic paper.
What should I write in the introduction in the Academic paper?
Relevance - to explain why this particular topic was chosen and how relevant it is in the modern world. The purpose and objectives are to explain what this work is for, what result you want to achieve, and by what methods.
Object and subject - to determine what the work will be about and which specific areas will be studied.
Research methodology - specify the methods of studying the material.
List of sources - list articles, textbooks, scientific papers, monographs, and other literature used in the academic paper.
The structure of the work is to indicate the work plan. Do you want to write a high-quality introduction? Then leave this part of the work aside for last. First, study the main part, analyze the sources of literature, identify the main authors, and only then decide on the object and subject of the work, set a specific goal, and prescribe steps to achieve it.
What can I write in the conclusion?
How to write the conclusion in the academic paper correctly? Most students want to know the answer to this question. After all, methodological manuals do not provide rules for the design and content of the conclusion. And by the way, the conclusion is the most important part of the Academic paper, because it summarizes and structures all the material.
A conclusion is based on the objectives and goals of the study. The summary (conclusion) of the academic paper is the conclusions correlated with the purpose and objectives with a personal assessment and own conclusions. The main feature of the conclusion is as follows: conclusions are formulated in their own words, and not quoted with phrases from parts of the work. The results in the conclusion should be justified and supported by facts from each section of the academic paper. It is recommended to write a conclusion, separately describing the results and the main idea of the paragraphs of the main part of the academic paper. How to write a conclusion? The conclusion is presented in a scientific style: without personal pronouns and meaningless words - only facts and their conclusions.