3 Common Misconceptions About College Football
Whether or not you are just an avid fan of college football or perhaps even one of the lucky few who managed to make it into a team, there are a variety of commonly held misconceptions that you may be unaware of.
In fact, some of these misconceptions may actually change your perspective on college football as a whole, if you were to know the truth.
In this article, we will be telling you about three of the most common misconceptions people hold about college football in the hopes of shining a light on some of the lesser-known facts within the industry.

Hard Work & Discipline is Essential
Few people know just how tough it is to maintain a good reputation when playing college football, and that goes without even mentioning how hard it is to get into a team in the first place.
Many people just assume that college football is all fun and games and that the participants just get a free ride while also getting access to all of the perks that come with playing. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth.
In reality, very few people have what it takes to go pro, and even just playing college football at an amateur level requires a truckload of discipline and hard work.
More Business Than Sport
People often forget that college football is, at its heart, just a business.
Think the Pittsburgh Panthers or the Penn Quakers owners are just in it for the competitive spirit? Well, take a look at any College football betting site in Pennsylvania, and you’ll quickly see that that's not the case.
However, that’s not to say that being a profitable business is in any way a bad thing. It’s just important to remember that even your favourite sports teams are, in some way, participating in the money-making machine that is college football.
The Abysmal Odds of “Making It”
The odds of any college football player making it into the big leagues after graduation is astronomically small. In fact, if your aim is to go pro, you would have better chances of being struck by lightning.
Although, if you truly desire to make it, this shouldn’t discourage you. Even if you were not to make it pro, playing football in college can look amazing on a job application, and that is exactly what happens to most of the people who don’t go pro.
If you were surprised at one or more of the points we touched upon throughout this article, you are certainly not in the minority.
In reality, almost any idea you have about how a certain industry or market works will be completely misguided. That is, unless you are a part of said community, or happen to know someone who is.
Dig a little below the surface of any industry and you will find that things are drastically different to what one may first assume, and as is the case with college football, that’s not always a bad thing.