Scott Whittum


Scott Whittum Writer Headshot

Scott Whittum


I am from Auburn, Washington. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Communications from the University of Washington.  In college, I was fortunate enough to intern on SportsRadio 950 KJR- AM for the Mitch in the Morning Show in the spring of 2001. I had my move to a job at the University of Virginia chronicled with a week-long segment. "Where in the World is Scotty the Intern." 

I have worked for various collegiate athletic programs specializing in football, soccer, lacrosse, and baseball but also gained experience in virtually every college sponsored sport.

I am excited for the opportunity to be a part of College Sports Madness. I have been blessed with many great experiences and have worked with several athletes who have gone on to the NFL, MLB, MLS, and the Olympics. I know that everywhere this is a great story to be told about a game, team, or an individual athlete going above and beyond the call of duty to lead their team to victory.